Rila Monastery
The Monastery of Saint Ivan of Rila is the largest and most famous Eastern Orthodox monastery in Bulgaria. It is situated in the southwestern Rila Mountains, 117 km south of the capital Sofia.
The monastery is named after its founder, the hermit Ivan of Rila (876 - 946 AD), and today houses around 60 monks.
Founded in the 10th century, the Rila Monastery is regarded as one of Bulgaria's most important cultural, historical and architectural monuments and is a key tourist attraction for both Bulgaria and Southern Europe. In 2008 alone, it attracted 900,000 visitors.
Tip : You can stay at Rila Monastery for one night. It is only 10 euro for one night without shower.( with shower 15 euro )It is really nice in the night without so many people in the day time. Also you stay one night here, you can get access to upstairs. so you can get different view of Monastery.
那天在門口剛好遇到修復壁畫的大學實習生,跟他聊了一下,這真不是一件簡單的工作啊! |
入修道院不可穿短裙或短褲喔! |
修道院附近就只有幾間餐廳,因為那天剛好碰到停電,所以只有沙拉和手指肉條可以吃。 |
是保加利亞著名的古修道院,是巴爾幹半島最大的修道院,位於首都索非亞以南117公里、巴爾幹半島最高山峰里拉山的里奧斯卡山谷中,海拔1,147米。這座新拜占庭建築始建於公元10世紀中期,是由隱士里拉的聖約翰(Иван Рилски)建造的,始建於西元10世紀中期,新拜占庭風格建築,以神聖精彩濕壁畫聞名,教堂外牆壁畫於1846年繪製完成,是來自全國各地知名畫師的集體精心創作。
神聖精彩濕壁畫 |
Hrelyu塔樓是修道院中最古老的建築物,建於1334年~1335年的Hrelyu塔樓,是由當時貴族Hrelyu的大力贊助,塔樓也因此而得名。 第二古老的建築物,是緊鄰於Hrelyu塔樓,建於1343年的一間小教堂。
房間內部,真的很可愛。 |
天花板還有彩繪星星 |
Tip : 這修道院還提供住宿,住舊區一人10歐元(沒有洗澡的地方),住新區一人15歐元(有衛浴),有自己的房間,我們選擇了舊區,房間真的很可愛,而且是四樓,所以你可以從高處看修道院,不然一般是不能上樓的,傍晚和早晨很舒服,完全沒有其他人,非常推薦!不過我們入住那天剛好遇到停電,所以下山後,完全是暗的,不過正常聽說晚上修道院燈會全亮,會很漂亮。
修道院四樓房間的長廊 |
那天一起住在里拉修道院的旅客,一起等待星星的夜空,山上晚上會變比較冷,我們還將房間的毛毯拿出來蓋 |
這趟旅行,他還特地一路背著薩克斯風,雖然不能請他現場吹奏給我們聽,但還是請他拿出來給我們看看 |
Seven Rila Lakes
are a group of glacial lakes, situated in the northwestern Rila Mountains in Bulgaria. They are the most visited group of lakes in Bulgaria. The lakes are situated between 2,100 and 2,500 metres elevation above sea level.
Each lake carries a name associated with its most characteristic feature. The highest one is called Salzata ("The Tear") due to its clear waters that allow visibility in depth. The next one in height carries the name Okoto ("The Eye") after its almost perfectly oval form. Okoto is the deepest cirque lake in Bulgaria, with a depth of 37.5 m. Babreka ("The Kidney") is the lake with the steepest shores of the entire group. Bliznaka ("The Twin") is the largest one by area. Trilistnika ("The Trefoil") has an irregular shape and low shores. The shallowest lake is Ribnoto Ezero ("The Fish Lake") and the lowest one is Dolnoto Ezero ("The Lower Lake"), where the waters that flow out of the other lakes are gathered to form the Dzherman River.
The Seven Lakes are a tourist attraction in Bulgaria because of its natural environment. The most common time to visit the lakes is summer, in July and August, when temperature is above 10 degrees Celsius.The lakes usually freeze during October, and do not melt before June. The ice cover can reach up to 2 meters.
Tip : From the cable car to the top is about 2-3 hours walking distance but it is really worth it. The place is unique with Great landscape, a breath taking view. And Don't go there on weekends, it's very crowded. You can see snow there even in August, so remember to bring warm clothes with you. It could be really cold up there, especial if you would like to camping there. Also you could reach Seven Rila Lakes from Rila Monastery for about 7 hours walking distance. But it could be easy to get lost, so you can hire a guide to walk with you.
Tip :非常推薦這個景點,爬在頂端看到七湖盡收眼底,真的很感動。搭纜車上來到可以看見七湖約2-3小時的路程,剛開始都不會太難走,只有最後要登頂時會有較陡的上坡石子路,不過另一個路上遇到的台灣人穿著Converse 也是爬上去了,所以應該不會太難。登頂的景色真的很值得,不過會滿冷的,建議大家多帶保暖的衣服。
All photos by Toto Kuo
Wedding / Event / Honeymoon Trip / Food Photography
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