


#晚宴游輪有傳統的匈牙利舞蹈表演,有趣且充滿活力( 另外還有一個現場雙鋼琴表演 )所以如果你喜歡熱鬧的氣氛,和一群朋友或一家人,我會推薦傳統舞蹈表演。如果你們是一對夫妻或情侶,想要一個浪漫的晚餐那我推薦鋼琴表演

#晚餐共有四道菜,開胃菜 / 南瓜濃湯 / 主食- 燉牛肉。鱈魚。鴨腿(另外還有烤起士。豆腐 的素食選擇)/ 甜點




#you can book easily on the website by click the picture below



#There is traditional Hungarian folklore dance show during the meal, it was really fun and full of energy, (There is also a piano battle show opation ) so if you like lively atmosphere then you should choose folk, and it is also perfect for family and group of friends.and if are a couple would like a romantic dinner then i recomend piano show. 
#There are four course for fine dining dinner - appetizer / soup / main course - beef。fish。duck ( there are also two vagetarian options ) / desert
#Including a free sparkling wine as a welcome drink.
#The service is really good !
# The cruises trip total is 3 hours, and the view of the city along the river is just amazing !


中文 / English 預約熱線 Tel : +36 20 453 3656
Address :Budapest, Jane Haining Rakpart, Dokk 11, 1052  Hungary

Line ID: budapestsilverline
Wechet: BpSilverline
QQ: 3409321898

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