

When Hungarian chef Tamás Széll won gold at last year’s Bocuse d’Or Europe competition, he was working at one of Budapest’s most celebrated restaurants – the one Michelin-starred Onyx. Szell’s latest venture aims to recreate classic Hungarian food with a contemporary twist, in an environment that’s as welcoming as it is unpretentious. 

“We would like to present our gastronomy in a more informal, friendly, contemporary, but still very high-quality way, after the quite formal, elegant, Michelin-starred style of Onyx,”

 Bocuse d’Or 歐洲賽區冠軍的 Tamás Széll ,當時任職於匈牙利首都布達佩斯最受推崇的餐廳之一——米其林一星的 Onyx,如今卻選擇離開名聲響亮的米其林餐廳,匈牙利主廚 Tamás Széll 致力於用現代料理手法重新詮釋家鄉傳統料理,並將精緻內涵融入於菜餚之中,在布達佩斯熙來攘往的Hold Utca 市場裡開了他的新餐廳 Stand 25 Bistro。

「離開了正式、優雅、極具米其林星級餐廳風格的 Onyx 之後,我們想用更輕鬆、友善、現代的方式呈現料理,但依然維持高品質。」今年 34 歲的 Széll 說。「對我來說不失去品質是非常重要的。使用最優質的食材以及國內最先進的廚房技術,呈現匈牙利的飲食文化與歷史。我們為傳統匈牙利料理賦予新意,讓它變得更現代,而我們對於匈牙利的物產和科技都很驕傲。」





#Really recommend to try it, if you will be in Budapest. 

#A very delicious home feeling restaurant, in the hearth of Budapest. 


#Try the traditional Hungarian dish "rakott krumpli" you won't regret it. Prices between 2900-8000 HUF per person. It is a little bit over the market hall average but so as quality.


#Fine dining quality in an atmospheric Hold Utca Food Market, in walking distance from the Parliament and the riverside. Owned by the award winning chef Tamás Széll.


#This year they won the Michelin bib award.


#The price s are very good for that food what you will have. We tried a 3 course menu for approximately 20euro.






#The open kitchen even let's you observe your order being made. 

#Pro tip: try the chef's famous layered potato if you can. It is absolutely amazing.

#The menu is traditional Hungarian but they use only excellent ingredients. So the result is excellent and very delicious.






#Using only seasonal Hungarian ingredients, Stand 25’s menu changes with the available produce. But staple Hungarian dishes like goulash, potato casserole and Somlói galuska (chocolate sponge dessert with cream and rum) are permanent fixtures, simply because they are favourites of the Stand 25team.


“In Hungary we have to be proud of Hungarian dishes,” says Széll. “We would like to show really good Hungarian meals to our foreign and Hungarian guests. We don't keep our recipes secret. We already published the recipes of all our emblematic dishes, because we want everybody to taste them, and to know how to prepare them in a modern way that makes them enjoyable in the future. It’s also very important to give some kind of a measure, because these meals are often made poorly.”





#The huge potato casserole, served in its own pan – in a clean-cut, classic format, with no nonsense like smoked crumbs or sausage foam. Its most exciting parts are the creamy silkiness, the hair-thin potatoes, and the sour cream on top. Additionally, the beetroot salad sprinkled with horseradish complements the dish perfectly.









#主廚曾在米其林一星餐廳onyx工作,之後自己在 Hold Utca Food Market開了自己的餐廳 Stand25 Bisztró.


#只採用當季的在地物產, Stand 25 Bistro 的菜單隨著現有食材變化。不過經典美食像是匈牙利燉牛肉 (goulash)、焗烤馬鈴薯,以及淋上鮮奶油的蘭姆酒巧克力蛋糕——索姆洛依甜糕 (Somlói galuska) 則常駐菜單,只因為這些都是 Stand 25 團隊私下的最愛。



Address:Budapest, Hold u. 13, 1054 匈牙利

Website :

Open hour : Mon : 08:00 - 17:00 Tue - Thu : 08:00 - 18:00 Fri / Sat : 08:00 - 22:00


All photos by Toto Kuo


Wedding / Event / Honeymoon Trip / Food Photography

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